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Corporate Resolution--Authorization


[Name of the undersigned], the undersigned, of [address of the undersigned], [city of the undersigned], [state of the undersigned], certifies that [he or she] is the secretary of [name of corporation], a corporation organized under the laws of [state of corporation], having its principal office at [address of corporation], [city of corporation], [state of corporation]; the following is a true copy of a resolution duly adopted by the board of directors of [Name of corporation] at a meeting held by them on [date], and a quorum was present; and this resolution has not been rescinded or modified.

Resolved, that [Name of the bank], of [address of the bank], [city of the bank], [state of the bank], be and it is hereby authorized to honor checks, drafts, and other negotiable instruments for the payment of money drawn in the name of [Name of corporation], bearing the facsimile signature of any of the following persons: [Names of authorized persons].

[Name of the bank] is entitled to honor and to charge [Name of corporation] for the negotiable instruments bearing a facsimile signature regardless of how or by whom the facsimile signature was affixed, if the signature resembles a facsimile filed with [Name of the bank] by the undersigned.

The undersigned further certifies that there is no provision in the articles of incorporation or the bylaws of [Name of corporation] limiting the power of the board of directors to pass the resolution described above and that the resolution is in conformity with the provisions of the articles of incorporation and the bylaws.

